Thursday, April 19, 2007

another randon late night thought

It's late and I'm feeling numb with this killing in Vermont. It seems to me that we as a society should have learned from the horror in Colorado a few years ago. We have so many things to keep up with that we don't pay attention to the disturbing acts of someone crying out for help. I am sad for all the families that lost their children. For those professor's families and the family of the young man Cho that did the killings. I have heard kids at colleges complain about the attitude of the students that come from families with money. There seems to be a stuck up attitude that really can get under the skin of a student that has to work their way thru college. I've sold on campus at several colleges, and I have seen this attitude myself. I know it bothers alot of students that may not come from homes with a lot of money. One of my sons went away to college and he observed first hand the attitude of some students that come from money, acting as if they are better than the other students. I'm not saying that this is a reason to go off and take revenge on those students. I can see that with someone who is not stable, their ability to pass it off and not let it bother them so much might be inhibited. I don't think its a matter of gun control. I think that we as a society need to wake up and pay attention when we see someone who needshelp. To a grater extent the government has some blame here because some time ago they passed new ways of dealing with folks with mental problems, and alot of people that really needed to be in a facility were turned out to fend for themselves. This may not have been a good idea. I think we need to care more and come to the aide of those in need. It doesn't speak well for our society to see this horror repeat over and over again.

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