Friday, May 18, 2007

Mother's Day Trip to Pegosa Springs, Co.

Well my last post was to say how sad I was because I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to go to Pegosa this year. Not so, I went-Mom wanted to go as badly as I did and she understood that this year I wouldn't be able to pay half as I have the past four years. I was happy to be going and I only had a little money to spend. It's not all that fun with no money, but we just ate in our condo and only went out to eat twice, once to take Vimmie to lunch and to go to dinner for Mother's Day. We brought a lot of food and had most of what we needed. We went to City Market several times to get things we forgot like Mom's ice cream. We went to the Wildlife Park Wed, Friday and Sunday. We sponsor the wolves and have a very special place in our hearts for them. Meekia was her usual self full of licks and love. On Mother's Day she pushed her nose through the fence and was licking me, and I was scratching her neck and head and chin and ears. What a love she is, there were more people there and we had to not pet her when they were around. So she was trying to reach me and so I leaned over as far as I could and she could just reach my forehead. She first just licked my forehead and then she began to preen my hair line and she gently pulled a couple of hairs. It was very gentle and sweet as if she was taking care of me . It made me wonder if she could tell that things were not right in my life. Baha sniffed my fingers and gave me a little lick, not as much as he did last year but it was sweet. He looked really good this year, both of them still had a lot of their winter coat and Baha just looked better than last year. Spirit is the newer addition to the wolf family, he is in the enclosure next to Baha and Meekia. I think I got some really good pictures of all of them. I walked around to see the other animals because I also have a soft spot for Hunter the mountain Lion. When we first came to the Park Hunter was just a cub and he was making a very unlikely sound, unlike any cat noise I've ever heard. I saw him on Friday but he was nowhere to be seen when I walked around on Sunday. We went on three fairly long drives out into the back country. It is so beautiful and I'm thinking about trying to move there. It would be a serious change for me, I'm thinking I would have to get a job for awhile and scout out craft shows and seriously develop a web site for my business. Who knows what is going to happen, the only thing I do know is that I'll loose my home in about 3 months and that will be sooner than I think. This all scares me to death-my stomach is always in an uproar. More on this subject in another post.

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